Building Healthier Communities Neighborhood by Neighborhood, Block by Block

It can often seem difficult for companies with broad national supply chains to engage with every community in which they operate. But it is possible! To establish a genuine connection, it’s best to focus on an issue that aligns with your company’s values. For the Aetna Foundation, that means crafting localized programs to promote healthier communities. In this four-part mini-series, we’ll unpack how large firms can get down to the grassroots level when it comes to engaging communities around health and wellness. From traditional corporate philanthropy to public-private partnerships, your company may have more options than you may think.

Click here to read more in this series.

Content from this campaign

Health & Healthcare

'All in for Florida' Program Works to Intervene in Emergency Rooms in Opioid Overdose Cases
This collaboration between the Aetna Foundation, FAADA and FHA is a peer-to-peer counseling program connecting individuals hospitalized for opioid overdoses with access to treatment services at that critical moment when intervention is possible.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Taking a Bite Out of Student Loan Debt

Health & Healthcare

Finding America’s Healthiest Communities
To showcase the communities in America that are doing the best job of improving residents’ health through strategic partnerships, expanded public health assessments and education programs, the Aetna Foundation and U.S. News & World Report released the Healthiest Communities inaugural ranking in March 2018.
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