Suncor 2022 Report on Sustainability: Waste Management

Feb 23, 2023 9:45 AM ET

We closely manage all kinds of waste – whether generated at our operational sites or offices – to ensure they are properly handled and disposed of. This protects the environment and our people.

We apply a mitigation hierarchy and work with contractors, suppliers and waste receivers to improve waste management practices at our job sites. We also collaborate with industry peers to identify and act on shared waste management opportunities. In addition to complying with all regulatory waste material production, control and disposal requirements, we see waste recycling, reuse and recovery as an opportunity to generate economic, social and environmental benefits.

Resource circularity

One of the ways we are working to reduce waste is by exploring opportunities to integrate the concept of a circular economy in our operations and across our value chain. Through this lens, we are examining how commodities flow through our own business, treating waste as design flaws that should be eliminated, and looking for efficiencies to reduce raw material consumption and improve environmental performance. Also, by reducing our environmental impacts through strategies such as growing our low-emissions energy portfolio and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our base business, Suncor can play a valuable role in providing the additional energy needs associated with material circularity.

Waste performance

Our activities involve handling large volumes of different types of waste; construction materials and contaminated water constitute the largest volumes. Waste volumes, hazardous and non-hazardous, depend upon on-site activities, including periodic equipment maintenance, and may fluctuate annually. As we have assumed the operatorship of additional facilities, we have seen increased waste generation volumes. In 2021, some of our facilities experienced shutdowns and turnarounds, which increased waste generation in 2021 by 3% compared to 2020. We were, however, able to send 95,000 tonnes of waste off-site for recycling, reuse and recovery due to waste improvement projects throughout our operations in 2021.

Read the full 2022 Report on Sustainability