Innovation & Technology

The Future of Cybersecurity: AI Does Play a Role

Cisco Systems Inc.

Innovation & Technology

AIDA Cruises Tests Further Biofuels

Carnival Corporation & plc

STEM Community Partnerships

Our STEM-focused, community collaborations support organizations that deliver effective STEM engagement and education opportunities to learners of all ages and backgrounds.

Qualcomm Smart Cities Accelerate 2021

Join us to learn best practices and trends, and hear about the use cases that are helping to make our communities smarter, safer, and more connected.

Qualcomm® Thinkabit Lab™ and the Association of American University Women Expand Tech Trek Nationwide

The Qualcomm and AAUW collaboration engages middle school girls in the world of STEM through career exploration and hands-on engineering summer programs.

5G Is Putting a Whole New Woodstock on the Map - T-Mobile Crowns Hometown Techover Winner

T-Mobile names Woodstock, IL as the inaugural T-Mobile Hometown Techover winner, scoring a $3 million technology upgrade including a $200,000 grant, 5G network enhancements, a free concert featuring Florida Georgia Line … and so much more.

Delos Special Report: A HEPA Filter Does Not Guarantee HEPA Efficiency Outcomes in Portable Air Purifiers

Delos, a wellness real-estate and technology company, commissioned LMS Technologies, Inc., an independent, accredited laboratory to test five readily available consumer air purification devices with a HEPA filter inside them.

Qualcomm Flight RB5 5G Platform - The World's First 5G- And AI-Enabled Drone Platform

The demand for drone response to natural disasters and emergencies is growing rapidly, and cutting-edge camera features combined with AI and 5G make the Qualcomm Flight ideal for addressing public safety threats in new, effective ways.

KEEN Footwear Launches First Upcycling Certification Program Reducing Industrial Waste

KEEN, Inc. (KEEN), the global footwear brand on a mission to make the outside inclusive and accessible to all, today announced it will expand its Detox the Planet Initiative with the debut of the KEEN Harvest Certified Program, a tiered program designed to reduce industrial waste by upcycling it into shoes.

The Corporate Citizenship Technology Review

The Corporate Giving, Volunteering and Grants Technology Review is the only one of its kind in the industry, offering CSR practitioners with a comprehensive overview of 60+ platforms

Harvesting Data: A New, Digital Approach Mitigating Agricultural Risk

Throughout my career in agriculture, I've been inspired by how eagerly growers have embraced progress. Today's farmer is tech-savvy and open to digital tools – ranging from apps and GPS to AI and machine learning – that can fuel smarter and more productive decisions.

Making Transportation Systems Safer and More Sustainable With Connectivity

With ultra-high-speed connectivity, greater reliability, and lower latency, 5G provides a platform for innovation that brings tremendous opportunities to improve efficiencies and achieve tangible sustainability benefits.

Latest Campaigns

  1. License to Operate
    Corporate governance, risk management, operational integrity, and regulatory compliance are demanding challenges that companies face in today’s ever...
  2. Philanthropy
    The Verizon Foundation serves as an incubator for exploring how our technical and human resources can be applied in new ways to the practical concerns...
  3. Purpose 360 Podcast
    Purpose 360 Podcast is a masterclass in unlocking the potential of social purpose to ignite business and social impact. Hosted by Carol Cone, CEO of...
  4. Approach: Our Recipe For Good Growth
    At Yum!, being a good corporate steward is a fundamental commitment and an important part of our success. Our Global Citizenship & Sustainability...
  5. Key Supports Affordable Housing
    KeyBank Community Development Lending and Investment helps fulfill Key’s purpose to help clients and communities thrive by financing projects that...
  6. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) at Southwire
    Southwire’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) mission is to build a culture that recognizes and celebrates the value of diverse backgrounds...
  7. Green Mountain Energy Sun Club
    Since its founding in 2002, the Green Mountain Energy Sun Club has donated more than $4 million to solar and sustainability projects focusing on...
  8. License to Operate
    Corporate governance, risk management, operational integrity, and regulatory compliance are demanding challenges that companies face in today’s ever...
  9. Energy Transitions
    RenewablesA Partner for Your Financial, Sustainability, and Reliability Goals.We’re preparing the world for a future when renewable energy — solar...
  10. Kingfisher Around the World
    The SCS Kingfisher certification mark is showing up on an increasing number of products around the world. It differentiates companies that are making...