Bloomberg Impact Report Archive

Bloomberg issues an annual Impact Report which outlines Bloomberg's approach to sustainability and highlights the environmental and social impact they've had over the past year.

View and download the most recent Impact Report.

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Bloomberg Impact Report 2022: Reducing Our Emissions
Bloomberg's environmental performance targets are aligned with multinational efforts to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and avoid catastrophic climate change.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Bloomberg Impact Report 2022: A Message From Mike
The world is in transition, moving away from a past powered and polluted by fossil fuels and heading towards a future that runs on clean and renewable energy.

Research, Reports & Publications

Bloomberg Publishes 2022 Impact Report
Bloomberg LP published its 2022 Impact Report, which outlines how the company continues to address climate change through its operations and products, philanthropy and collaborations with partners and industry peers.

Events, Media & Communications

Bloomberg Publishes 2021 Impact Report
Bloomberg LP today published its 2021 Impact Report, which outlines how the company continues to address climate change through its operations and products, philanthropy and collaborations with partners and industry peers.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Bloomberg's Commitment to SDG 12: Responsible Production & Consumption
Most of the products we consume daily are produced in a non-sustainable way. They require fossil fuels, resulting in greenhouse gas emissions and chemicals that create waste, posing biohazard.


Bloomberg Advances SDG 7, Committing to Affordable, Clean Energy
For the first time, Bloomberg has incorporated the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which set forth an ambitious plan for achieving sustainable economic, social and environmental development by 2030, in its sustainability strategy that is outlined in the Bloomberg Impact Report 2020.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

#ImpactInAction: A Year of Virtual Volunteering
When it comes to supporting our local communities, Bloomberg employees like to roll up their sleeves.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

Why 36 of Our Offices Are Leading With LEED and BREEAM
Design is a core component of our culture, and so is sustainability. Every decision we make around our building design takes into consideration operational efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Research, Reports & Publications

Bloomberg Impact Report 2020: The Business of Resilience
In 2020, the COVID-19 virus infected hundreds of thousands of people globally, throwing the markets into turmoil and forcing companies — including our own — to send employees home to work remotely.

Research, Reports & Publications

Bloomberg Impact Report 2020: Message from Mike Bloomberg
Governments are eager to respond to the fallout from the pandemic in ways that make their economies stronger, more sustainable and more resilient.

More from Bloomberg

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  3. Bloomberg: Sustainable Finance
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  4. Bloomberg Impact Report Archive
    Bloomberg issues an annual Impact Report which outlines Bloomberg's approach to sustainability and highlights the environmental and social impact they...
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  6. Bloomberg: Sustainable Business
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  7. Bloomberg: Philanthropy & Engagement
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  8. Bloomberg & COP
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