Capacity Building

The World Environment Center oversees a range of capacity building initiatives that advance sustainability, including: improving energy efficiency; reducing the use of water and other natural resources; enhancing environmental, health and safety performance; reducing chemical risks; investing in social capital; and preparing business leaders for a sustainable future.

The goal of WEC’s capacity building initiatives is to plan and achieve concrete, measurable results that contribute to both business and society and assist participating companies in becoming more competitive. This approach to capacity building emphasizes the development of cooperative relationships with business partners, government agencies, communities, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders.

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Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

La Red de Innovación e Impacto Celebra su Encuentro Anual en Ciudad de Panamá el 22 y 23 de octubre
Es con mucho orgullo que el Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, World Environment Center (WEC), Le Groupe-conseil baastel Itée (Baastel) y RioSlum Studio anuncian que el Encuentro Anual de La Red de Innovación e Impacto tendrá lugar en Ciudad de de Panamá los días 22 y 23 de octubre del 2019.

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

La Red de Innovación e Impacto Hosts Annual Summit in Panama City, October 22-23
The U.S. Department of State, the World Environment Center (WEC), Le Groupe-conseil baastel Itée (Baastel), and RioSlum Studio are proud to announce that the 2019 Annual La Red de Innovación e Impacto Summit is taking place in Panama City on October 22nd and 23rd, 2019.

Research, Reports & Publications

Nueva guía se convierte en la brújula de la empresa en America Latina para navegar en la gestión de la sostenibilidad
Un equipo de expertos internacionales detalló los elementos clave de un sistema de gestión que facilita a las empresas implementar los crecientes requisitos ambientales y sociales que están demandando los clientes de la industria, inversionistas, gobiernos y sociedad civil.

Research, Reports & Publications

New Guide Becomes the Compass for Business in Latin America to Navigate Sustainability Management
A team of international experts detailed the key elements of a management system that makes it easier for companies to implement the growing environmental and social requirements that are being demanded by clients from industry, investors, governments and civil society.


U.S. Department of State Awards WEC to Promote Environmental Governance in Morocco and Jordan
The United States Department of State's Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs has funded the World Environment Center to promote environmental governance through improved practices and technologies in Morocco and Jordan. The purpose of this initiative is to strengthen environmental governance that will lead to the adoption of improved environmental practices, technologies, and services, particularly in addressing air pollution, water and waste management challenges. WEC has partnered with EDI Consulting in Morocco and Water and Environment Center/Cleaner Production Unit at the Royal Scientific Society in Jordan to provide their on-the-ground knowledge and support to achieve project objectives.

Media & Communications

Entrevista con Lori Michelin, CEO y Presidente del World Environment Center (WEC), y Francisco Suárez, Presidente Anterior del Consejo Directivo del WEC, Sobre el Fomento de Soluciones con Empresas Para Abordar el Desarrollo Sostenible
La Sra. Michelin y el Sr. Suárez discuten el trabajo de sostenibilidad global del WEC y su misión de promover la sostenibilidad en asociación con las compañías miembros del WEC, los gobiernos, las instituciones multilaterales y académicas, y otras ONGs.

Media & Communications

An Interview With Lori Michelin, CEO & President of the World Environment Center (WEC), and Francisco Suarez, Former Chair of the Board of WEC, on Fostering Solutions With Business to Address Sustainable Development
Ms. Michelin and Mr. Suarez discuss the global sustainability work of WEC and its mission to advance sustainability in partnership with WEC member companies, governments, multilateral and academic institutions, and other NGOs.


La Red de Innovación e Impacto celebrará su nueva clase de miembros en El Evento Anual en Antigua, del 29 al 30 de octubre
El Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, el World Environment Center (WEC), Le Groupe-conseil baastel Itée (Baastel) y RioSlum Studio se enorgullecen en anunciar a los nuevos miembros de La Red de Innovación e Impacto (La Red), una red internacional de organizaciones innovadoras que apoyan micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (MiPyMEs) con el fin de fomentar el crecimiento económico sostenible y la prosperidad en América Latina. Estos nuevos miembros fueron seleccionados a través del concurso internacional: El Poder de Crecer.


La Red de Innovación e Impacto to Celebrate Its New Class of Members at Annual Summit in Antigua, October 29-30
The U.S. Department of State, the World Environment Center (WEC), Le Groupe-conseil baastel Itée (Baastel), and RioSlum Studio are proud to announce the newest members of La Red de Innovación e Impacto (La Red), an international network of innovative organizations supporting micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to drive sustainable economic growth and prosperity across Latin America. These new members were selected through the international Power to Grow Innovation Challenge.


Movimiento #YOPORMIPLANETA Invita a Todos en Pensar en Sostenibilidad
El pasado 18 de agosto en Villahermosa, Tabasco, se llevó a cabo el evento TEDxAvDeLosRíos con el eslogan “Despegar Tus Ideas”.

En él participaron expositores con nuevas visiones sobre la gastronomía, tecnología, innovación, salud, turismo y medio ambiente.

More from World Environment Center

  1. Membership and WEC News
    WEC members represent a variety of business sectors and conduct operations in all regions of the world. Members are selected based on their practice...
  2. Capacity Building
    The World Environment Center oversees a range of capacity building initiatives that advance sustainability, including: improving energy efficiency...
  3. Gold Medal
    The WEC Gold Medal Award for International Achievement in Sustainable Development is one of the most prestigious forms of recognition of a global...
  4. Thought Leadership
    Since 1997, the World Environment Center (WEC) has convened over 200 thought leadership events in North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia. Our...
  5. WEC Blog
    A blog focused on corporate leadership in sustainability, highlighting the voices of WEC leaders and member companies.