Ecocentricity Blog

A bi-monthly blog by John Lanier, director of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation and grandson of the late Ray C. Anderson.  Musings from John as he manages the private family foundation that keeps Ray's legacy alive. Subscribe here.

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Content from this campaign


Ecocentricity Blog: The Quotes that Stay with Us
It’s not just in our words, however, that we offer an example to others. Our actions do so as well, and often with greater impact.


Ecocentricity Blog: Our Gathering Place
One of our family’s gathering places is particularly special, because it connects everyone to Ray in a very meaningful way. We call it Lost Valley.


Shouldn't We Treat Farmers More Like Ministers?
Is there another profession in our society that is, or perhaps should be, treated with the same respect and appreciation that we usually afford our religious ministers? I say yes, and it is another ancient profession: the farmer.


Ecocentricity Blog: A Request
I want to ask you for something, and I promise that I won’t ask for this but once per year.


A New Kind of Climate Change Graphic
On climate change: Urgency. Not panic, but a healthy sense of urgency. That’s what we need.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Climbing the Mountain of Food Waste
For the past five weeks, I’ve been pointing out the scary side of food waste. But guess what folks? We can do this!

Responsible Production & Consumption

The Carbon in our Food
“If food waste were a country by itself, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases behind China and the United States.”

Responsible Production & Consumption

We Now Interrupt This Program…Focus on Food Waste
Remember when I said that tossing out a single strawberry wastes about a half-gallon of water?

Responsible Production & Consumption

The Water We Eat
I expect most of us believe that the greatest amount of water we consume comes in the form of showers, baths, and drinks. Nope, and it’s not close.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Food Waste: The Harvest is Just the Beginning
We waste one-third of our food. That is, quite simply, a failing grade.

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  2. Brightening Our Corner Newsletter
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  3. The Ray
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  7. Ecocentricity Blog
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  8. Foundation Events and Speaking Engagements
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  10. Georgia Climate Project
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