Merck: Access to Health

In collaboration with key stakeholders, we work to ensure our science advances health care, and our products are accessible and affordable to those in need.

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Events, Media & Communications

Celebrating Fathers as Life-saving Sources of Support
As an obstetrician, my job is to focus on moms and babies. But one of my favorite parts of childbirth is the look on a new dad’s face at the precise moment he sees his baby for the first time. The physical connection between moms and babies begins sooner and more gradually than it does for dads. Moms feel their babies growing and wriggling months before they get to actually see them. For dads, the first physical connection is visual. Fatherhood goes from being abstract to very real in an instant. And that look is everything.

Research, Reports & Publications

Merck for Mothers Publishes “Evidence for Impact” 2018 Research Compendium
At Merck for Mothers, we believe that actionable research is essential for taking on maternal mortality. On behalf of our team and many partners, we are pleased to share Evidence for Impact, our first Research Compendium. The publications included in this compendium advance our collective understanding of the problem of maternal mortality, inform the design and implementation of programs aiming to improve women’s health, and strengthen the global health community of practice to save women’s lives.

Health & Healthcare

Merck for Mothers May 2018 Newsletter | Leadership News, Evidence for Impact and More
Read the Merck for Mothers May 2018 newsletter to catch up on everything being done to help end maternal mortality.

Health & Healthcare

Merck for Mothers Lead Dr. Naveen Rao Announces Intent to Retire, Effective July 1, 2018
Dr. Rao initiated and led Merck for Mothers, Merck’s 10-year, $500 million initiative to reduce maternal mortality around the world. He was responsible for leveraging the company’s science and business expertise to accelerate progress in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals and advancing Merck’s mission to improve and save lives. Since its launch in 2011, Merck for Mothers has improved access to quality maternal care and family planning services for over 6 million women in more than 30 countries.

Health & Healthcare

In Pursuit of Universal Health Care: Time to Take Public-Private Partnership to the Next Level
The buzz around public-private partnership (PPP) keeps getting louder. And yes – PPPs are everywhere, operating in virtually every industry sector around the world, including health.

Health & Healthcare

Insights: Dr. Mary-Ann Etiebet Reflects on Merck for Mothers’ Efforts and What’s Next
GBC Health sat down with Merck for Mothers Executive Director, Dr. Mary Ann-Etiebet, to hear about the progress that has been made, why she joined the company last year, and what’s next for the global initiative.

Sustainable Development Goals

Out of the Shadows: Shining a Light on Maternal Mental Health
In the year or so since ProPublica and NPR published their first article in the “Lost Mothers” series, close to 5,000 Americans have come forward with accounts of how a loved one had died – or they themselves had nearly died – during pregnancy or childbirth.

Health & Healthcare

The Quest for Quality Maternal Health Care in India
In India, we’re giving patients a voice – and getting providers to listen. What a private sector-driven, consumer-centric, ‘total market’ approach to improving maternity health care looks like.

Health & Healthcare

Merck for Mothers April 2018 Newsletter | Improving Maternity Waiting Homes in Zambia, Addressing Maternal Sepsis and More
Read the Merck for Mothers April 2018 newsletter to catch up on everything being done to help end maternal mortality.

Sustainable Development Goals

Solving the Distance Problem to Reduce Maternal Mortality: The Mothers' Shelter Alliance
When a young Zambian mother, Zimthambo Musianga, felt the onset of labor, she went into the hills to find an ox cart to take her to the hospital. But with the nearest clinic miles away from her remote village in the rural district of Lundazi, the ox cart wasn’t going to get her there in time. After being bumped along a dirt road over rough terrain, she had no choice but to give birth right there in the cart.
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  1. Merck: Employees
    We recognize that our ability to excel depends on the integrity, knowledge, imagination, skill, diversity and wellbeing of our employees.
  2. Merck: Access to Health
    In collaboration with key stakeholders, we work to ensure our science advances health care, and our products are accessible and affordable to those in...
  3. Merck: Ethics & Values
    Through our unwavering commitment to transparency, we earn the trust and confidence of our stakeholders.
  4. Merck: Environmental Sustainability
    We consider the impacts of our operations and strive to operate our business sustainably to support the health of our planet and its people.