Sustainable Economy

GRI provides the market with leadership on consistent sustainability disclosures, and works with policy makers, stock exchanges, regulators and investors in order to drive transparency and enable effective reporting. We believe that reporting with globally recognized standards leads to increased accountability, which is one of the cornerstones for building strong, sustainable economies.

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Content from this campaign

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Improved Corporate Data Is an Enabler for the SDGs
With the annual stock-take on the progress of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) taking place in New York next month, GRI is supporting two side-events that will put the spotlight on the central role of sustainability reporting data in driving SDGs progress.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Unleashing Sustainability Potential of Southeast Asia
GRI CEO Eelco van der Enden is in the ASEAN region from 5-13 June for a series of high-level meetings with companies, regulators, policymakers and stakeholders, on a mission raise the profile and application of sustainability reporting.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

GRI Welcomes Patrick de Cambourg's Candidacy for EU Sustainability Board
Patrick de Cambourg has been confirmed by the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs (JURI) Committee as the preferred candidate to Chair the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) Sustainability Reporting Board

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

GRI Program Spreading Responsible Business Practices in Africa
A program to support more business in the African region to engage with sustainability reporting and increase their accountability is underway, thanks to funding from Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

GRI and IFRS to Align on Sustainable Standard Setting
The IFRS Foundation and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) have announced today a collaboration agreement under which their respective standard setting boards

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

GRI Concern Over 'Watered Down' EU Corporate Governance Directive
Following the publication of the European Commission’s proposal for the Sustainable Corporate Governance Directive, GRI – the provider of the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting standards

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Understanding Materiality Will Unlock Corporate Accountability
With changes under way in the sustainability reporting landscape, clarity on what the scope of the various initiatives are, as determined by their approach to materiality, is essential if organizations are to understand their reporting obligations.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Clear Case for Impact-Focused Reporting
Last month saw the annual letter to CEOs from BlackRock’s Larry Fink land in our inboxes. It includes some very positive, indeed admirable, language around the need for responsible business practices.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

The Sustainable CEO: Leading From the Top
As the dust settles following the recent COP26 climate summit, it is crucial that the global community do not let the momentum subside, and instead press ahead with implementing solutions in support of the net-zero emissions future.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Partnerships for Sustainability in South Asia
Capital markets in South Asia have stepped up their efforts to encourage companies to be transparent about their impacts – thanks to engagements by sustainability standards sett Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) with stock exchanges and regulators.

More from GRI

  1. GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards
    Globally accepted sustainability reporting standards create a common language for organizations and stakeholders by which impacts of organizations can...
  2. Transparency Matters
    Transparency Matters is a blog in which Global Reporting Initiative Chief Executive Tim J. Mohin writes about cutting-edge issues in corporate...
  3. Business Reporting on the SDGs
    GRI and the United Nations Global Compact have established a groundbreaking initiative, ‘Business Reporting on the SDGs’, to accelerate corporate...
  4. Sustainable Economy
    GRI provides the market with leadership on consistent sustainability disclosures, and works with policy makers, stock exchanges, regulators and...
  5. Empowering Sustainable Decisions
    GRI’s work is already embedded in different types of decision making across the world, whether through businesses using the sustainability reporting...
  6. GRI 20th Anniversary
    The Global Reporting Initiative – GRI – was founded 20 years ago. Having pioneered non-financial disclosure, this year also marks the 20th anniversary...
  7. GRI Podcasts
    Beyond Reports is a monthly podcast from GRI, pioneer of the world’s most widely used standards on sustainability reporting and corporate disclosure...
  8. Thought leadership
    Opinion pieces inspiring sustainabillity leadership
  9. GRI Services
    GRI's services are aimed at improving organizations' reporting process and quality of disclosure. The tools and services guide and equip reporters at...
  10. The Future is Digital
    GRI, the leading standard-setting organization for sustainability reporting is embracing the possibilities the digital world offers to make data more...