Ecocentricity Blog

A bi-monthly blog by John Lanier, director of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation and grandson of the late Ray C. Anderson.  Musings from John as he manages the private family foundation that keeps Ray's legacy alive. Subscribe here.

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Ecocentricity Blog: Seven Down, Many More to Go
RayDay meant something to this child. I can’t tell you with certainty what he did that day, but I know that it was good and wholesome. I also know that his experience brought him closer to nature.


Ecocentricity Blog: A New World Record
This was a country with 30% forest cover in 1900, but only 4% today. They will benefit tremendously from restoring their natural ecosystems, and we all benefit from the carbon dioxide that these trees will sequester.

Innovation & Technology

Ecocentricity Blog: The Time Traveler's Car Part II
Lilium’s design produced something technically impressive and elegantly beautiful. That is nature’s way, and it shows what’s possible when we turn to the natural world for instruction and inspiration.


Ecocentricity Blog: Scratching an Itch
By zeroing-out their carbon footprint and then going 50 times beyond that, Intuit is pledging to carry their own weight and then some. That’s the right signal to send, not just to the corporate world, but to all of us.


Ecocentricity Blog: Greta
She does not speak for herself. She speaks for millions of young people who see the climate crisis as the issue of their generation. She speaks for billions more who have not yet been born unto this world, but who most certainly will be.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Ecocentricity Blog: The Time Traveler's Car
Decades from now, I think we’ll all look back on this time in the automotive industry as a turning point. Sure, Tesla might be a big winner looking back, but they won’t be the only ones.

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

Ecocentricity Blog: Brewing Full Circle
They fully understand that bread-to-beer is a lower-value use of the nutrients, but it’s a heck of a lot better than the bread going to a landfill. I’m impressed, because it shows they have a robust understanding of how the circular economy should work.


Ecocentricity Blog: Decisions, Decisions
Everyone is different, so what is doable for me may not be as doable for others, and vice versa. I believe environmental activism should be about encouragement, not admonishment.

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

Mid-Course Correction: Lessons for a Circular Economy
"On Day Zero of Interface’s sustainability journey, founder and CEO Ray Anderson described the outline of a radical vision of a cyclical enterprise that would become ecologically restorative through its influence on others."


Ecocentricity Blog: A Voice in the Wilderness
Just hearing her allows the listener to feel the warmth, gentleness and passion that are mirrored perfectly in her character. One could happily listen to Janine Benyus just count to one thousand, and enjoy it all the more to hear her describe the majesty of the natural world.

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  7. Ecocentricity Blog
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  8. Foundation Events and Speaking Engagements
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