Ecocentricity Blog

A bi-monthly blog by John Lanier, director of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation and grandson of the late Ray C. Anderson.  Musings from John as he manages the private family foundation that keeps Ray's legacy alive. Subscribe here.

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Content from this campaign


Ecocentricity Blog: The Energy-Water Collision
Water is often too hot on first pass as coolant in energy production. Another challenge is droughts; the kind predicted to be more frequent as the climate changes. #energywaternexus #climatechange

Responsible Production & Consumption

Ecocentricity Blog: The Prodigal Species
We have a problem with excessive consumption. Our species has become prodigal, and we are spending not just our inheritance, but that of countless generations yet to come.


Ecocentricity Blog: Plan G
This 20-minute video covers four different climate stories in the state of Georgia. Even if you aren’t in Georgia, give it a watch – this is a great example of excellent climate communication.


Ecocentricity Blog: These Words Are in Style
I want the issues of our time (environmental or otherwise) to be reported on accurately, and the terms used by reporters and journalists matter when it comes to conveying correct information.


Ecocentricity Blog: A Burden to Bear
Some of the people interviewed for this piece are good friends of mine. Maybe that makes me biased, but it also means I have firsthand knowledge of their values and commitment. They are people of great courage, endurance, and love.


Ecocentricity Blog: A Walk in the Woods
It was beautiful. I took such joy in seeing my child drinking up all of nature’s wonder in that forest. It was as if the trees were speaking an ancient language to him, one he’d known all of his short life, telling him stories that left him spellbound.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Ecocentricity Blog: Failing Upward
Previously, we had to separate out meat products and “compostable” single-use products and throw them away. Now, we can toss those right in our bin. As a result, we have further reduced our household waste to landfill, while simultaneously creating more compost than before.


Ecocentricity Blog: That's One Classy Cephalopod
You would be smart to consider octopi for inspiration if you were a practicing biomimic – especially if the design question you are asking is “how would nature efficiently navigate confined aqueous spaces like the piping in municipal water systems?”


Ecocentricity Blog: A Boy, His Elephant and Blockchain
Blockchain could help usher in this era of easy energy exchange, which will move the energy system one step closer to being distributed. The more distributed our energy system, the less reliant we will be on fossil-fuel energy generation.


Ecocentricity Blog: More Ray Andersons
Ray Anderson believed in the “Power of One” and so do the staff and trustees at his namesake foundation. One community, one organization, and even one person can have far-reaching influence beyond that which might seem possible.

More from Ray C. Anderson Foundation

  1. Drawdown Georgia
    Informed by Project Drawdown, the world’s leading resource for climate solutions, Drawdown Georgia is the first state-centered effort to crowdsolve...
  2. Brightening Our Corner Newsletter
    Quarterly newsletter from the Ray C. Anderson Foundation. Subscribe here.
  3. The Ray
    News and information about The Ray, Georgia's restorative, sustainable highway of the future.
  4. Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business
    The Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business at Georgia Tech acts as a catalyst and connector, bringing together students, research faculty...
  5. Biomimicry and Ray of Hope Prize
    The Ray C. Anderson Foundation has partnered with the Biomimicry Institute to create the Biomimicry Launchpad and the $100,000 Ray of Hope Prize™...
  6. NextGen Committee
    Ray C. Anderson’s five grandchildren, along with their spouses, comprise the NextGen Committee of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation. The Committee makes...
  7. Ecocentricity Blog
    A bi-monthly blog by John Lanier, director of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation and grandson of the late Ray C. Anderson. Musings from John as he manages...
  8. Foundation Events and Speaking Engagements
    This section lists upcoming Foundation events, partnerships and speaking engagements featuring the executive director and the trustees.
  9. Mid-Course Correction Revisited
    Mid-Course Correction Revisited is both a how-to and a why-to on the future for green business, as seen through the lens of one of the most pioneering...
  10. Georgia Climate Project
    The Georgia Climate Project is a state-wide consortium co-founded by Emory, the University of Georgia, and the Georgia Institute of Technology, and...