GRI 20th Anniversary

The Global Reporting Initiative – GRI – was founded 20 years ago. Having pioneered non-financial disclosure, this year also marks the 20th anniversary of sustainability reporting.

Videos from this campaign

Content from this campaign

Research, Reports & Publications

Infographic: Two Decades of Growth in Sustainability Reporting
Over a 20-year journey, GRI has created an outsized impact on the global economy, environment and society. This infographic shows the growth of reporting and sustainability professionals around the world for the past two decades.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

GRI Impact Story: Sustainability Reporting "Fundamental" For Triodos Bank to Manifest Purpose
The Dutch-based Triodos Bank is one of the world’s most sustainable financial institutions: its mission is to make money work for positive social, environmental and cultural change. We interviewed James Niven, Head of Corporate Affairs at Triodos Bank, to find out why reporting on their sustainability impacts is seen as important as financial impacts.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Video: GRI's Vision for the Future of Reporting
Having pioneered sustainability reporting in 1997, GRI remains the world’s pre-eminent sustainability standard-setter. But what are the next steps for GRI and the vision for the future of reporting? Watch this video to find out.

Research, Reports & Publications

Case Study: Tackling Poverty in Developing Countries
Poverty and sustainable development are the prime focus of GRI’s program with the Swedish government, including raising awareness of companies' impacts and making use of the reported corporate data to stimulate action for positive change. Read more about the highlights and impact of this collaboration.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Q&A With GRI Chief Executive Tim Mohin
Celebrating 20 years of founding and shaping sustainability reporting, GRI's Chief Executive Tim Mohin talks about GRI's accomplishments over two decades, and how GRI will continue pioneering in the future.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Case Study: Sustainability Reporting Helps Direct Focus and Generate Savings
Read how LM Wind Power is using the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards to create positive change, drive continuous improvement and generate savings.

Social Impact & Volunteering

Infographic: GRI – Small Non-Profit, Big Impact
ver our 20-year journey, GRI has created an outsized impact on the global economy, environment and society. With currently fewer than 100 employees, GRI engages companies, financial institutions, governments, labor organizations, civil society and citizens from around the world in the mission to build an equitable, inclusive and sustainable future. Infographic presents the key figures on GRI's impact.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Case Study: GRI & Switzerland Fostering Responsible Growth in Emerging Markets
Together with the Swiss Confederation, GRI helps small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in emerging markets improve their sustainability performance through high-quality reporting. By showcasing responsible business practices through reporting, SMEs can gain access to international value chains, and contribute to economic development in their countries in a way that creates wealth and well-being across all segments of society.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

GRI Impact Story Fuji Xerox: Excellence in Leadership and Stakeholder Engagement
GRI Impact Stories are short interviews with representatives from companies that are using the GRI reporting framework to create tangible benefits for their business and stakeholders. We spoke to Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific to find out how the company uses the practice of sustainability reporting, to achieve excellence in leadership and stakeholder engagement.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Video: GRI – Driving Global Change Since 1997
GRI is celebrating its first 20 years of helping companies and other organizations take action to create a more sustainable and inclusive global economy. Watch this video to learn more about the impact GRI has had over the past two decades.

More from GRI

  1. GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards
    Globally accepted sustainability reporting standards create a common language for organizations and stakeholders by which impacts of organizations can...
  2. Transparency Matters
    Transparency Matters is a blog in which Global Reporting Initiative Chief Executive Tim J. Mohin writes about cutting-edge issues in corporate...
  3. Business Reporting on the SDGs
    GRI and the United Nations Global Compact have established a groundbreaking initiative, ‘Business Reporting on the SDGs’, to accelerate corporate...
  4. Sustainable Economy
    GRI provides the market with leadership on consistent sustainability disclosures, and works with policy makers, stock exchanges, regulators and...
  5. Empowering Sustainable Decisions
    GRI’s work is already embedded in different types of decision making across the world, whether through businesses using the sustainability reporting...
  6. GRI 20th Anniversary
    The Global Reporting Initiative – GRI – was founded 20 years ago. Having pioneered non-financial disclosure, this year also marks the 20th anniversary...
  7. GRI Podcasts
    Beyond Reports is a monthly podcast from GRI, pioneer of the world’s most widely used standards on sustainability reporting and corporate disclosure...
  8. Thought leadership
    Opinion pieces inspiring sustainabillity leadership
  9. GRI Services
    GRI's services are aimed at improving organizations' reporting process and quality of disclosure. The tools and services guide and equip reporters at...
  10. The Future is Digital
    GRI, the leading standard-setting organization for sustainability reporting is embracing the possibilities the digital world offers to make data more...