Aflac Incorporated

Aflac is a Fortune 500 company, providing financial protection to more than 50 million people worldwide. When a policyholder or insured gets sick or hurt, Aflac pays cash benefits fairly, promptly and directly to the insured. For more than six decades, Aflac voluntary insurance policies have given policyholders the opportunity to focus on recovery, not financial stress.

Flexible Media Releases

Is Remote Work Working?


Aflac Stories
Get a closer look at the people, products and stories that make Aflac the company we know today.

Aflac in the Community
Learn more about Aflac’s culture of care and how it sits at the heart of all we do.

Aflac News and Updates
See the latest news about Aflac.

Aflac Voices
Hear from Aflac’s senior leaders and subject matter experts about industry trends and more.

Duckprints in the Workplace
If we take care of the employees, they will take care of the business. Learn more about Aflac's Employee Appreciation Week and why celebrating our...

Aflac Insights
Learn more about Aflac’s survey findings to better understand workplace trends as well as consumer attitudes, habits and opinions toward health and...

Duckprints in the Community
Companies have a responsibility to make the areas in which we live and work better places. Learn more about how we give back to our communities...

Duckprints Done Right
Aflac’s founders created a company worthy of integrity, respect and trust. Learn more about The Aflac Way, including how we’ve earned a place on...

Aflac 2016 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
At Aflac, we try to live by this very simple rule: Everyone has the power to do good. This week, we unveiled Aflac’s 2016 Corporate Social...

Duckprints on the Planet
Aflac strives to be a good steward not only of our business, but of our planet. Learn more about how Aflac encourages environmental stewardship...

Aflac 2021 Business & Sustainability Report
At Aflac, we believe that helping our stakeholders and the people in our communities have a better quality of life is not only the right thing to do...

Aflac 2022 Business & Sustainability Report
The Aflac Way embodies the core values that our company established more than 67 years ago, and it's still fundamental to how we operate today. It is...

Aflac 2017 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Aflac, the leader in voluntary insurance sales at U.S. worksites, celebrated its 2017 corporate social responsibility (CSR) accomplishments by...


Contact Aflac Incorporated