Weekly Highlights

Highlighting the top news, commentary, and research for the week coming from SHQ. The highlights newsletter also spotlights one profiled organization and their recent activity as monitored by SHQ.

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Media & Communications

Davos 2019: The Conversation in Switzerland Ripples Out to The Rest of the World – News, Commentaries, Reports, Initiatives, For Your Consideration
The world leadership gathering in Switzerland in winter every year – we see this in the “Davos meetings” in the many news report datelines – are part of the World Economic Forum (WEF) broad activities -- this is the WEF’s annual meeting. Heads of state, CEOs, invited thought leaders, leading academics and journalists, politicians of all persuasions, NGOs, heads of multilateral heads (Christina Lagarde, International Monetary Fund)…they were all gathered there this year.

Media & Communications

From Sustainable Brands: A Prominent IT Professional’s Outlook on 2019 – “Year of Sustainability”, Empowered by Technology & Innovation
Is 2019 going to be “The Year of Sustainability”? Greatly empowered by technology? With exciting innovation on the business front? One European-based writer (Carmen Ene, CEO of 3 STEP IT in Helsinki, Finland) thinks so. Writing for Sustainable Brands® SB/The Bridge to Better Brands, she outlines what she sees as the top sustainability issues for corporate leaders in 2019 -- and offers advice on how to address them.

Media & Communications

The US Sustainable Development Goals – How Companies & US Cities Are Leveraging the Goal to Maintain the Pace of Progress
The nation’s leading think tanks, home to numerous scholars and policy wonks, including former officeholders (with many centers headquartered in Washington DC) focus on a variety of political, economic, cultural, environmental, science, and global issues and topics -- typically reflecting the points-of-view of their constituent base.

Media & Communications

There Were Many Positive Developments for Sustainability Professionals in 2018 and Much Promise for What’s to Come in 2019 – We Are Watching for You
There were many positive developments and trendlines in 2018 that we believe were encouraging for corporate sustainability & responsibility managers, sustainable investing champions, NGO managers and members, and other stakeholders.

Media & Communications

Recycling – the Circular Economy: Admirable Efforts, With Significant Challenges as the Efforts Expand & Become More Complex for Businesses
In these last days of the year 2018, of course, we’ll be seeing shared expert perspectives on the year now ending and a look into the new year, 2019. Sustainable Brands shared one person’s perspectives on three sustainability trends that are gaining momentum heading into 2019.

Media & Communications

The UN Sustainable Development Goals – “What Matters” for 40 Sectors? G&A Institute's Research Project Yields Key Data
Nearing the end of the 20th Century, the United Nations assembled experts to develop the eight Millennium Goals (MDGs), to serve as blueprints and guides for public, private and social sector actions during the period 2000-2015 (the “new millennium”).

Media & Communications

Corporate America and Climate Change: McDonald’s Sets Pace for Strategies & Action in Global Fast-Food Industry
Game changer – early adopter – first mover – tipping point – striving for excellence: These are some of the familiar themes of their work offered by best-selling business authors. These phrases help to frame our understanding of established or emerging trends.

Media & Communications

Scary Stuff: The Fourth Official "Climate Science Special Report" by the U.S. Government's “Global Change Research Program"
Whether you are an investor, company executive or board member, or an issue advocate, or civic leader, these “high probability” outcomes should keep you up at night: more superstorms; more drought; increased risk of forest fires; more floods; rising sea levels; melting glaciers; ocean acidification; increasing atmospheric water vapor (thus, more powerful rainstorms)…and more.

Media & Communications

The State of Sustainable / ESG Investment in 2018: The State of Corporate Sustainability Reporting & How We Got Here
This issue we bring you two important Top Stories that capture the state of sustainable investing from varying points-of-view. We selected these for their value to both corporate managers and investment professionals.

Media & Communications

Is the Movement to Achieve Greater Societal Sustainability Reaching the Consumer? One Consumer Marketers’ Story…
The story is being well told -– a growing number institutional shareowners and their global networks of asset managers steadily embrace ESG / sustainable investing approaches. Corporations of all sizes are adopting sustainability strategies and churning out sustainability and responsibility reports to tell the story of their sustainability journey. Many national, state and local governments are following through on their commitments made in Paris in 2015 (the Paris Accord on climate change). NGOs galore are focused on driving sustainability into all corners of human behavior.

More from Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc.

  1. Weekly Highlights
    Highlighting the top news, commentary, and research for the week coming from SHQ. The highlights newsletter also spotlights one profiled organization...
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