Weekly Highlights

Highlighting the top news, commentary, and research for the week coming from SHQ. The highlights newsletter also spotlights one profiled organization and their recent activity as monitored by SHQ.

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Content from this campaign

Media & Communications

FSB Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure Considers the Dramatic Contents of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988 (30 years ago!) to provide a “clear scientific view of the current state of knowledge in climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic impacts”.

Media & Communications

UN IPCC Warns Us: The Time to Act Is Now – The Window For Action on Global Warming is Fast Closing
The buzz for the past few days has been about the report of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that urged governments everywhere to “take rapid and far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society” to avoid catastrophic events and conditions brought on by climate change.

Why? The planet temperature could reach the critical point – keep 1.5 degrees Celsius / 2.7 F above pre-industrial levels in mind. We must get measures in place to address the threats of floods, rising seas, food shortages, shrinking arable land, wildfires, rising seas…and more.

Media & Communications

State of Corporate Sustainability, Greenbiz Releases Latest Update -- Top Lines: (1) We Are Making Progress and (2) There Are Still Challenges
It’s three-quarters of the way through the year 2018 – what is the state of the Sustainability Profession? John Davies, writing in GreenBiz (he’s VP & Senior Analyst), shares some interesting highlights gained through the firm’s recent report with us this week.

Media & Communications

7 Compelling Corporate Sustainability Stories for You – How Entrepreneurs Are Managing Their Sustainable Business & Meeting Society’s Needs
How do we structure a more sustainable (and responsible) business – it’s a question we are regularly asked here at G&A Institute. By big firms and small companies -- publicly-traded or privately-owned (and numerous planning to go public).

Media & Communications

Economic Growth, Protecting & Preserving Our Ecological Systems – Are These Conflicted, or Complementary as We Strive for Greater Global Sustainability?
The continued drive toward greater societal sustainability is very encouraging. The public sector, multilateral organizations, companies, investors, NGOs, and other stakeholders are adopting new strategies and embracing new approaches and best practices. Picture the installation of the vast array of a desert solar generating “farm” – that’s progress to cheer.

Media & Communications

Colleges and Universities and Global Sustainability – Many Higher Ed Institutions Are Addressing the 21st Century’s Great Societal Challenges in Many Ways in North America, Asia-Pacific and Europe
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon thinks that institutions of higher learning are “the leading torch bearers for global sustainability.” The world’s universities, adds the Study International organization team: “…Universities play a vital role in helping us understand climate change…”

The Study International Staff looks at the roles of universities in addressing climate change challenges in the U.S.A., Asia-Pacific and in Europe in a very informative wrap-up that is one of our Top Stories this issue. Under the Climate Leadership Network, they explain, more than 600 colleges and universities in every U.S. state and the District of Columbia have committed to take action on climate change, preparing students through research and education to solve 21st Century challenges.

Media & Communications

Sustainability Over the Next Two Decades – Forward? Backward? Something We Just Take For Granted in Running a Company or Investing In One?
Predicting the way forward (that is, defining the future) is always challenging but pundits do try anyway. One of the most often quoted of such predictions is the 1944 forecast for the computer and copier markets with CEO Thomas Watson of IBM projecting…a market of perhaps five computers and as many as 5,000 copying machines!

Media & Communications

Global Warming / Climate Change -- What Are Current Weather Events and Dramatic Changes Telling Us?
The National Geographic describes “Global Warming” as a set of changes to the Earth’s climate, or long-term weather patterns, varying from place-to-place. The dramatic changes in the rhythms of climate could affect the face of our planet – coasts, forests, farms, mountains…all hang in the balance.

Media & Communications

About Sustainability Ratings: CPAs Are Being Educated by Their Profession’s Journal – a Good First Effort to Push Information to All Levels of CPAs
The professional CPAs working inside a public company, or in the outside accounting firm working with a company may or may not yet be involved in assisting corporate managers in responding to a growing number of third-party surveys focused on the company’s ESG strategies, actions and achievements. Responses to these periodic surveys and engagements by other means with the ratings and rankings organizations are increasingly shaping outcomes – that is, investor opinions of the company.

Events, Media & Communications

Sustainability & ESG Trends in View
Every week G&A Institute assembles the value-added content that our team gathers for you as we closely monitor trends and developments in corporate sustainability, corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship, sustainable investing, and related topics and issues. Our Editor-in-Chief Ken Cynar leads the daily effort and you see the results of his work in each issue of Highlights (note we are on #406 this week). We hope that you benefit from this effort, part of our information-sharing and educational mission.

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