Weekly Highlights

Highlighting the top news, commentary, and research for the week coming from SHQ. The highlights newsletter also spotlights one profiled organization and their recent activity as monitored by SHQ.

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Media & Communications

Big Year, 2018 – Tipping Points for Developments in Corporate Sustainability & Sustainable Investing…
Volume & Velocity. Those may well be the key characteristics of developments in corporate sustainability and in sustainable investing in the year 2018.

Media & Communications

We Love “Top 10” Lists Right? So –Who Were The Top 10 Movers & Shakers in Sustainability 2017? Huff Po Has Their List…Who Are Your Nominees?
Huffington Post writer Lauren DeMates has her “Top 10” list up for the 2017 forces that shaped (in her opinion) sustainability. Guiding her choice: “…many of 2017’s activities were prompted by the unprecedented attack on science and environmental protection by the Trump administration. However, efforts to counteract the anti-environmental agenda and work towards a more sustainable society have been unprecedented as well...”

And in that context, she identifies these as 2017's top 10 movers & shakers in sustainability.

Media & Communications

Important Group of Investor ESG Rankers Expands to a Significant Player - ISS - Traditional Governance Focus Expanding to Encompass E&S -ESG QualityScores for 1,500 Public Companies Coming in January… (Sustainability Highlights I 01.10.2018)
A significant new player is now entering the mix of the growing number of organizations providing institutional investors with ESG rankings and data. At G&A Institute, we've been tracking the growth of these organizations (such as MSCI, Sustainalytics, RobecoSAM, Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters, and others) and work with our clients to help managements understand, optimize and utilize these important intelligence points coming from the rapidly-growing number of investors considering ESG.

Media & Communications

2017’s Top 10 Sustainable Business Stories – HBR Author Andrew Winston Weighs In – What Are Your Top 2017 Stories?
As we all quickly learned after the January 20 inauguration, the U.S. signaled it would be pulling out of the historic Paris Climate Accord – to become at some point in 2018 probably the ONLY country standing by itself. At least at the [Federal] governmental level.

And so, Trend #1, writes Andrew Winston, is the “Newtonian equal-and-opposite reaction from business, states, and cities – nothing short of amazing – their pushback on policy decisions is my #1 story of 2017.”

Media & Communications

We Are Far Now From Milton Friedman’s Prevailing View on CSR in 1970 – Companies Are Showing the Way – Here Are 5 Examples
The stage was set in 1970 by Professor Milton Friedman, who wrote in a New York Times Magazine essay: The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. He famously said in conclusion: “here is one and only one social responsibility of business–to use it resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud."

Media & Communications

Harvard Business Review – Increased Focus on Corporate Sustainability, Convening CEOs for Critical Conversations on the Theme
Harvard Business Review is one of the most powerful of external influences for the corporate C-suite. Ideas, concepts and themes appearing in the pages (digital and print) of HBR create important initiatives in American companies. HBR editors are focusing these days on corporate sustainability in various dimensions.

Media & Communications

North Sea Oil & Gas - Fueling Great Accumulations of Wealth for the Long-Term Benefit of Norway's Future Generations
The foundation for the significant progress made in so many spheres of society in the 20th Century was...Oil! The oil-producing nations of the world amassed great wealth with the marketing of oil and petroleum-derived products; those products enabled fantastic progress to be made in industry, government, agriculture, the consumer sector...throughout our modern society.

Media & Communications

Seven Important Trends From Textile Exchange Conference Summed up: The Industry Gets It on Sustainability
"Sustainability is front and center in the apparel sector" -- so writes Tara Donaldson in the November 5th feature story in the Sourcing Journal in covering the Textile Sustainability Conference in October. Seven major trends were discussed at the meeting of industry execs.

Media & Communications

All Together Now -- Industries, Sectors & Professional Groups See Collective Efforts as the Way Forward for Managing Sustainability Issues
There is encouraging news as corporate executives, managers and a range of professionals get together to address the risks and opportunities inherent in sustainability matters that could affect a particular industry, sector or profession. And, how with collective industry effort these challenges might be addressed.

Media & Communications

John Elkington Presents: "6 Ways for Business Leaders to Talk About Sustainability" in the Sustainability / Strategies Series From the Influential Harvard Business Review
"The" voice of authority for many board members and C-suite executives is The Harvard Business Review. Sustainability pioneer and influential thought leader John Elkington in the current "HBR" talks about the practice of "issues framing" at the highest levels of the corporation, and suggests (to leaders) that to change our usual way of perceiving, prioritizing and investing time/effort/money, that "re-framing" for social change is the wave of the future.

More from Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc.

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    Highlighting the top news, commentary, and research for the week coming from SHQ. The highlights newsletter also spotlights one profiled organization...
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