Weekly Highlights

Highlighting the top news, commentary, and research for the week coming from SHQ. The highlights newsletter also spotlights one profiled organization and their recent activity as monitored by SHQ.

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Media & Communications

Morningstar Now Informs Investors About ESG/Sustainable Mutual Funds -- and the Good News Is That ESG Funds' AUM Continues to Grow
The authoritative voice for many investors on the always expanding mutual fund universe is the Chicago-based Morningstar organization. The company tracks mutual fund's in- and outflows, performance, focus and other aspects of [mutual fund] activities.

Media & Communications

The Global Aviation Industry, Carbon Emissions and Other Sustainability Issues in Focus
Wondering about carbon emissions "contributed" by the global airline industry? One of the industry's leading publishers, Air Transport Action Group, cites the following:

Media & Communications

The National Geographic Can Have a Major Influence on Its Global Audience With Coverage Like This: Climate Change's Hidden Costs
The National Geographic Society made its debut as a publishing force in 1888, introducing the natural world and faraway places to generation-after-generation, at first through the familiar yellow cover magazine (the "journal"), then on through broadcast and cable television programming, a web site, and movies.

Media & Communications

Sustainability Pays, Says Wal-Mart & Some of Its Suppliers in PBS Newshour Interviews
As part of the PBS series, "Peril and Promise: The Challenge of Climate Change," the network's NewsHour reported on how a few large U.S. companies are doing their part to meet climate change challenges...and prospering...even as the Trump White House continues to move toward withdrawal from the historic Paris Agreement (COP 21).

The efforts of the giant retailer Wal-Mart Stores are highlighted in the broadcast. Wal-Mart stresses that it is striving to be recognized as a corporate leader in the "fight against climate change."

Media & Communications

Sustainable Business Practices Can Impact the Bottom Line, Say This Quartet of Researchers -- Lessons Here for Busy Execs
A quartet of experts writing in the Harvard Business Review has responded to the short-term, bottom-line pressures that we hear so much about throughout much of Corporate America.

To develop their case, the authors (three academics and a consultant) looked at Brazil's giant beef industry, a challenge for studying considering the size and complexity of the industry and its long-term impact on the planet.

Media & Communications

DJSI Results Announced -- Are You In / Out? Attend Our Workshop in Collaboration with RobecoSAM in New York City on October 24th
Many corporations that endeavor to be sustainable become a bit nervous as we pass Labor Day in the USA. The rebalancing of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes is traditionally announced at that time. Is my company in? Out? Increasingly, CEOs and other C-suite execs and board members (as well as numerous managers) are holding "membership" in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices in very high regard.

Media & Communications

This Is Hurricane Season in the Americas -- and Climate Change Discussions Will Accompany News Reports About the Super-Storms Coming Ashore
All news/all the time -- that was the American television viewer's diet of content during the week long siege, with Hurricane Harvey sweeping ashore along the Gulf of Mexico areas of the State of Texas. And the plight of the people of the Houston region, in particular, was on everyone's mind as we watched the struggles of the residents there to stay safe and help their neighbors.

Media & Communications

Time to Tie Exec Comp to Sustainability Performance? Some Folks Think it is Time -- and How to Do It
For the past 25 and more years, the focus of the sustainable & responsible investment (SRI) community has been on matters related to corporate compensation, usually a corporate governance concern, as well as additional concerns on a range of other issues and topic areas (in environmental, social/societal, and other categories).

Media & Communications

Millennials and Sustainable | Responsible | Impact Investing - a New Force To Be Reckoned With!
We Americans are fond of putting specific age cohorts in neatly assembled descriptors -- the Silent Generation; the Greatest Generation; the Baby Boom Generation; Gen X and Gen Y. Now in focus: The Millennial Generation, fast approaching the vaunted celebrity status of the post-WW II Baby Boom Generation.

Media & Communications

Corporate Competitiveness -- An Important Consideration for Board & C-Suite, Including the CFO -- Here's Important News From Accenture
Is corporate growth and profitability "hard wired" to sustainability and trust? Important question! The answer (a declarative "yes") was advanced by Mark Pearson and Bill Theofilou, of the Accenture consulting firm, in a recent white paper.

More from Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc.

  1. Weekly Highlights
    Highlighting the top news, commentary, and research for the week coming from SHQ. The highlights newsletter also spotlights one profiled organization...
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